THE CARMELITE NGO - a project of the members of the Carmelite Family around the world

The Carmelite NGO, associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations, is comprised of the men and women from around the world who are members of the Carmelite religious Order or its affiliated Congregations and Institutes within the Catholic Church. It is at the service of the people they serve.

This design is a summary of who we are as Carmelites.

The three circles indicate the three key words:

  • Prayer
  • Community
  • Prophetic Life

Because of their inter-relationship, the Carmelite shield appears where they meet, at the center. That represents our contemplation, a new experience of God which gives us a new way of looking at God, at our neighbor, and at the world.

The three circles are like three wheels that create movement, setting the life of the members of the Carmelite Family in motion. Prayer brings tenderness when we decide to live in community. Community brings solidarity when we come into contact with the needs of our sisters and brothers. The prophetic defense of human rights, of both individuals and peoples is born of the consciousness that we are responsible for one another. It brings holy zeal, and increases our thirst for justice and community.