Letter of Convocation |
Rome, 15th April 2002
Greetings from Rome and many thanks for your replies to my letter of 17th March. Although I have not received all the replies yet, the majority agree with the date and the programme for the meeting of our commission. Therefore, I can confirm that the meeting of the international commission for Lay Carmel will be From 27/5 to 31/5/02 2002 In Rome, via Giovanni Lanza, 138 with the following programme: As I already mentioned in my previous letter, all expenses will be paid for by the Curia; as for the cost of travel: please pay and the Bursar General will reimburse you. If anyone should need an entry visa, please send me your personal details (name, surname, date and place of birth, address and passport number) and I will send you an official invitation which you can use to speed up your application to the Italian embassy. Please also let me know the day and time of your arrival in Rome as well as the day and time of your departure so that I can book guest rooms accordingly. If you wish to arrive early or stay on for a few days after, there is no problem so long as I know in advance. Please also let me know if you need anyone to meet you at the airport to bring you to the Curia, giving the exact time of arrival, flight number and so on. Thank you for your co-operation. I wish you a good trip and await your help in our common endeavour. Fraternally in Carmel, Fr. Josef
Jančář O.Carm. |