Hilaria van Nistelrooy, O. Carm. (ERL) Il giorno 31 marzo 2007 è deceduta Suor Hilaria van Nistelrooy, monaca del monastero carmelitano di Erlangen, Germania. Aveva 89 anni. Nata il 16 giugno 1917 a Heesch, Olanda, ha emesso la professione semplice il 12 settembre 1944 nel monastero di Boxmeer, Olanda. Nel 1949, Suor Hilaria è andata al nuovo monastero carmelitano in Schlüsselau, Germania. Nel 1969 si è trasferita insieme con la communità a Erlangen.
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Hilaria van Nistelrooy , O. Carm. (ERL)Sor Hilaria van Nistelrooy, religiosa carmelita del monasterio carmelitano en Erlangen, Alemania , falleció el día 31 de marzo de 2007 a los 89 años de edad.Nació en Heesch, Holanda el día 16 de junio de 1917. Hizo su profesión simple el día 12 de septiembre de 1944 en el monasterio di Boxmeer, Holanda.
N.B. Esta nota de prensa se está
enviando via e-mail a los Provinciales, Comisarios Generales, Comisario
Provinciales, Delegados Generales, Superioras Generales de las Congregaciones e
Institutos y a los Monasterios de Monjas Carmelitas. Por favor, se ruega hagan
llegar esta información a los miembros de sus comunidades. No. 28 18/IV/2007 CITOC-online 2007 Hilaria van Nistelrooy, O. Carm. (ERL) Sr. Hilaria van Nistelrooy, 89 years old, died on March 31, 2007. She was a member of the Carmelite community in the enclosed monastery in Erlangen, Germany.
Sister was born in Heesch, Netherlands, on June 16,
1917. She made her simple profession on
September 12, 1944 in the Carmelite monastery in Boxmeer,
Netherlands. In 1949 she transferred to the monastery in
Germany, which had been founded the previous year from
Boxmeer. In October 1969, that community founded the
monastery in Erlangen.
N. B. This press release is being sent via
email to Provincials, Provincial Commissaries, General
Delegates, General Superiors of Congregations and Institutes,
and monasteries of Carmelite nuns. Please distribute this
information to your membership. |