Willibrorda ter Huurne, O. Carm. (BLA) Suor Willibrorda ter Huurne, O. Carm., è mancata il 20 gennaio 2006 all’età di 92 anni. Era nata a Buurse (Overisjsel), Paesi Bassi, il 17 aprile 1913. fece la sua Professione Semplice il 17 gennaio 1942. Nel 1956 si trasferì a Blackburn, Inghilterra, dove divenne Priora della nuova fondazione di monache Carmelitane. Nel 1966, Suor Willibrorda e le due restanti sorelle della comunità ritornarono a vivere a Booxmeer nel “S. Anna”.
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Willibrorda ter Huurne, O. Carm. (BLA) Sor Willibrorda ter Huurne, O. Carm, murió el 20 de enero de 2006 a la edad de 92 años. Había nacido en Buurse ( Overisjsel), Holana, el 17 de abril de 1913. Hizo su primera profesión el 17 de enero de 1942.En 1956 se trasladó a Blackburn, Inglaterra, donde fue priora de la reciente fundación de monjas carmelitas. En 1996 Sor Willibrorda y la dos hermanas que quedaban de la comunidad volvieron a Boxmeer para vivir en “St.Anna”.
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No. 9 9/II/2006 CITOC-online 2006 Willibrorda ter Huurne, O. Carm. (BLA) Sr. Willibroroda ter Huurne, O. Carm., died on January 20, 2006 at the age of 92 years. She was born in Buurse (Overisjsel), The Netherlands, on April 17, 1913. She made her first profession on January 17, 1942.In 1956 she moved to Blackburn, England where she became prioress of the newly founded community of Carmelite nuns. In 1996, Sr. Willibrorda and the two remaining sisters of the community returned to Boxmeer to live at "St. Anna".
N. B. This press release is being sent via
email to Provincials, Provincial Commissaries, General
Delegates, General Superiors of Congregations and Institutes,
and monasteries of Carmelite nuns. Please distribute this
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