Capitolo elettivo in Erlangen, Germania (ERL) Le Madri Carmelitane del Monastero di Erlangen, Germania, hanno tenuto il 2 Marzo 2006 il loro Capitolo elettivo triennale. P. Christian Körner, Priore Provinciale della Germania superiore ha presieduto le elezioni. Dopo la conferma di Sr. Thoma Müller, O. Carm., come Priora, da parte del Priore Generale ed il suo Consiglio sono state elette: 1°
Consigliere e Vicepriora: Sr. Theresia Kretschmann,
O. Carm.
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Capítulo electivo en Erlangen, Alemania (ERL) Las Monjas Carmelitas del Monasterio de Erlangen, Alemania, tuvieron el 1 de marzo de 2006 su Capítulo electivo trienal. El P. Christian Körner, Prior Provincial de la Provincia de Alemania Superior, presidió las elecciones: Después de la confirmación de Sor Thoma Müller, como Priora, por parte del Prior General y su Consejo, fueron elegidas: 1Ş Consejera y
Vicepriora: Sr Theresia Kretschmann,
O. Carm.
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No. 23 31/III/2006 CITOC-online 2006 Elective Chapter of Erlangen, Germany (ERL)The Carmelite nuns of the monastery of Erlangen, Germany, held their triennial elective chapter on March 02, 2006. Christian Körner, Prior Provincial of the Upper Province, presided. After the confirmation of the Postulation of the Prioress Sr. Thoma Müller O.Carm by the Prior General and his Council the following were elected:
1st Councilor and
Subprioress: Sr. Theresia Kretschmann O. Carm.
N. B. This press release is being sent via
email to Provincials, Provincial Commissaries, General
Delegates, General Superiors of Congregations and Institutes,
and monasteries of Carmelite nuns. Please distribute this
information to your membership.