William O'Brien, O. Carm. (PCM) Fra. William O’Brian, un membro della Provincia PCM è deceduto presto nella mattinata del 12 ottobre 2005 nella casa di cura in Syracuse, New York, dove abitava. Fra. Bill è nato il 1 giugno 1931 in Baldwinsville, NY. Lui ha fatto la sua prima professione da Carmelitano il 15 settembre 1955. È stato un organista dotato e provvedeva alla musica durante i servizi religiosi nel Mt. Carmel College in Niagara Falls, Canada e nel noviziato per molti anni. Negli ultimi anni soffriva di cattiva salute.
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William O'Brien, O. Carm. (PCM) Fray William O’Brien, miembro de la Provincia del Purísimo Corazón de María, USA, falleció el día 12 de octubre de 2005 en Syracuse, New York, donde vivía. El hermano Bill nació el 1 de junio de 1931 en Baldwinsville, NY. Hizo su Profesión Simple como Carmelita el 15 de septiembre de 1955. Fue organista y presto dicho servicio durante muchos años en las ceremonias religiosas del Mt. Carmel College en Niagara Falls, Canada, y en el noviciado. Durante estos últimos años estaba bastante mal de salud.
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enviando via e-mail a los Provinciales, Comisarios Generales, Comisario
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William O'Brien, O. Carm. (PCM) Brother William O’Brien, a member of the PCM Province died in the early morning of October 12, 2005 at a nursing home in Syracuse, New York, where he was living. Brother Bill was born on June 1, 1931 in Baldwinsville, NY. He made his first profession as a Carmelite on September 15, 1955. He was an accomplished organist and provided music during religious services at Mt. Carmel College in Niagara Falls, Canada and at the novitiate for many years. In later years he was plagued with bad health.
N. B. This press release is being sent via
email to Provincials, Provincial Commissaries, General
Delegates, General Superiors of Congregations and Institutes,
and monasteries of Carmelite nuns. Please distribute this
information to your membership.