Cecil Pickert, O Carm.
(PCM) Nato a Scipio, Kansas (USA) il 29 giugno 1932, aveva fatto la prima Professione il 1 settembre 1951 ed era stato ordinato sacerdote il 31 luglio 1958.
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Cecil Pickert, O Carm. (PCM) El 28 de julio de 2005 falleció el P. Cecil Pickert, miembro de la Provincia de PCM, a la edad de 73 años.
nacido en Scipio, Kansas (EEUU)
el 29 de junio de 1932. Hizo su
Profesión Simple el 1 septiembre de 1951
y fue
ordenado sacerdote el
de 1958.
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enviando via e-mail a los Provinciales, Comisarios Generales, Comisario
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Institutos y a los Monasterios de Monjas Carmelitas. Por favor, se ruega hagan
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Cecil Pickert , O Carm. (PCM)Fr. Cecil Pickert, a member of the PCM, died on July 28, 2005. He was 73 years old. Fr. Cecil was born on June 29, 1932 in Scipio, Kansas (USA). He made his first profession on September 1, 1951 and was ordained priest on May 31, 1958.
He spent many years in educational ministry,
formation of young Carmelites, and parish work. He was living at
Whitefriars Hall in Washington, DC at the time of his death.
N. B. This press release is being sent via
email to Provincials, Provincial Commissaries, General
Delegates, General Superiors of Congregations and Institutes,
and monasteries of Carmelite nuns. Please distribute this
information to your membership.