CAPITOLO GENERALE DELLE sorelle carmelitane per GLI anziani e GLI INFERMI
Le Sorelle Carmelitane per i Anziani e i Malati hanno avuto il Capitolo Generale a Germantown, New York (USA). Elette il 17 di settembre sono:
    Superiore Generale: Madre Mary Suzanne Sapa, O. Carm.
    Prima Consigliera e Vicaria Generale: Suor M. Kevin Patricia of the Holy Angels, O. Carm.
    Seconda Consigliera: Suor M. Teresa Stephen, O. Carm.
    Terza Consigliera: Sr. Ann Elizabeth Brown, O. Carm.
    Quarta Consigliera: Sr. M. Anthony deLourdes, O. Carm.
    Secreteria Generale: Sr. Marie Richard Carmel, O. Carm.
    Economa Generale: Sr. M. Veronica Robert, O. Carm.

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Data: 24.IX.2002


Se celebró el capítulo de las Hermanas Carmelitas del los Anzianos y los Infermos. Los cargos son los siguientes:

        Superior General:   Madre Mary Suzanne Sapa, O. Carm. 
        Primera Consejera:  Sor M. Kevin Patricia of the Holy Angels, O. Carm.
        Segunda Consejera:  Sor M. Teresa Stephen, O. Carm.
        Tercera Consejera:  Sor Ann Elizabeth Brown, O. Carm.
        Cuarta Consejera: Sor M. Anthony de Lourdes, O. Carm.

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Fecha: 24.IX.2002

The Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirmed recently held their General Chapter at Germantown, NY. Elected on September 17, 2002 were:

        Superior General:   Mother Mary Suzanne Sapa, O. Carm.
        First Councilor and Vicar General:  Sr M. Kevin Patricia of the Holy Angles, O. Carm.
        Second Councilor:  Sr. M. Teresa Stephen, O. Carm.
        Third Councilor:  Sr. Ann Elizabeth Brown, O. Carm.
        Fourth Councilor:  Sr. M. Anthony deLourdes, O. Carm.
        Secretary General: Sr. Marie Richard Carmel, O. Carm.
        Treasurer General: Sr. M. Veronica Robert, O. Carm.

N. B. This press release is being sent via email to Provincials, Provincial Commissaries, General Delegates, General Superiors of Congregations and Institutes, and monasteries of Carmelite nuns. Please distribute this information to your membership.
These releases are available to any Carmelite who would like them. The Carmelite should send their name and email address.
If you have some problem with the transmission of this email, please contact us. Thanks!
Please use the following address in all correspondence: 

CITOC- online
Date: 24.IX.2002