Risultati elettorali del Carmelite Monastery of the Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Roxas City)

Il 7 maggio 2002, la comunità del monastero in Roxas City ha celebrato il suo capitolo.
Sono risultate elette:

Priora: Suor Mª Catalina Elum, O. Carm.
Consigliere: Suor Mª Ana Abrogar, O. Carm.
Consigliere e Economa: Suor Mª Linda Garcia, O. Carm.
Economa: Suor Mª Saturnina Gacoscosim, O. Carm.

Ha presieduto il Mons. Onesimo C. Gordoncillo.

Data: 3.VI.2002

Resultados de las elecciones del Monasterio de the Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Roxas City)


El día 7 de mayo de 2002 se celebraron en el Monasterio de the Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel en Roxas City, las elecciones con los siguientes resultados:

Priora: Sor Mª Catalina Elum, O. Carm.
Consejera: Sor Mª Ana Abrogar, O. Carm

Consejera y Ecónoma: Sor Mª Linda Garcia, O. Carm.
Ecónoma: Sor Mª Saturnina Gacoscosim, O. Carm.

Las elecciones fueron presididas por el Obisbo Onesimo C. Gordoncillo.

CITOC- online
Fecha: 3.VI.2002


Election Results of the Carmelite Monastery of the Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Roxas City)


On May 7, the Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Roxas City, held their elections with the following results:

Prioress: Sr. Mª Catalina Elum, O. Carm.
Councilor and Directress of Novices: Sr. Mª Ana Abrogar, O. Carm.
Councilor and Bursar: Sr. Mª Linda Garcia, O. Carm.
Treasurer: Sr. Mª Saturnina Gacoscosim, O. Carm.

The elections were presided over by Archbishop Onesimo C. Gordoncillo.

CITOC- online
Date: 3.VI.2002