Morta la Suor M. Rita Giannone
    La Suor M. Rita Giannone, deceduta sabato sera, il 27 aprile 2002 nello Aurelia Hospital di Roma. Ha professato i voti temporanei nella festa di s. Teresa d'Avila, il 15, ottobre 1939. Aveva 86 anni.

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Data: 29.IV.2002

Ha muerto Sor M. Rita Giannone

        Sor M. Rita Giannone ha fallecido el pasado sábado, día 27 de abril de 2002, en el hospital Aurelia de Roma. Hizo sus votos temporales en la fiesta de Santa Teresa de Avila, el 15 de octubre de 1939. Tenía 86 años


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Fecha: 29.IV.2002

Sr. M. Rita Giannone Dies
    Sr. M. Rita Giannone, died Saturday evening, April 27, 2002 in the Aurelia Hospital of Rome. She made her profession of tempory vows on the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila, October 15, 1939. She was 86 years old. 

N. B. This press release is being sent via email to Provincials, Provincial Commissaries, General Delegates, General Superiors of Congregations and Institutes, and monasteries of Carmelite nuns. Please distribute this information to your membership.
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CITOC- online
Date: 29.IV.2002